Your Life Starts Today

Your life starts today. It's a gift from God. But how did you receive the gift of life when you got out of bed this morning? Was it full of purpose, I wonder? 

Your life starts today; It’s your gift

So, your life starts today. It’s a gift from God. But how did you receive the gift of life today when you got out of bed this morning? Was it full of purpose, or you reluctantly crawled out of bed feeling beat up? Or were you ready to soar way up like an eagle, full of purpose despite the challenges you face, which seem insurmountable?

Perhaps you got up this morning feeling downcast and not ready to take on the day ahead of you. Did you feel you already lost the day’s battle even before your day began?

Listen up, if this is describing you and your morning today, I have been sent to you today to give you encouragement. First off, I say to you right now that, you and you alone must fight your way out of the negative feeling. Hey! Wake up and start loving life today. It’s your call.

You must bring out from within you the real you to confront the other you that is sending wrong messages to the real you inside. You must settle this first and foremost by yourself from within you before you enlist outside help.

Start living life today

“Why, How?”, you ask. Simple! Because there’s a fighter within you, you just don’t know it yet. You are a very strong-willed person. You are a giant. How do I know? Because God has a purpose for your life. You are not on this planet by accident or some coincidence.

Your purpose is waiting for you to tap into it and walk into the abundance before you. Period. Again all you need to do is begin loving life today.

Discover the purpose for getting out of bed every day and you have already begun to win your daily battles. It does not matter what seems like a challenge in your day’s path. You are already a winner.

Many times the challenges we face are not really as big as we make them out to be. Nothing is ever as difficult as it first appears. A lot of times it is our runaway imaginations that magnify anthills into mountains.

In any case, if you have a challenge which you are not ready to face up to and fight, how will it go away, especially today? Remember that your life starts today and loving life today is where it starts.

If you cannot tackle today’s challenge in today’s time frame, be rest assured that it will not disappear today and the likelihood that it will be part of tomorrow’s challenge is high!

Tomorrow is tomorrow, today is today. Two different days! So, what to do? Burn your yesterday’s ship at the shores of tomorrow and soldier on into your tomorrow which begins at the end of today. Don’t look back, lest you turn into a pillar of salt!

I remember not too long ago in my past, when faced with serious challenges, how I would be sulky, panicky, fearful, angry all the time, you name it. Every kind of negative barrier would be so visibly amplified in my focus that in the midst of it all, I would see no escape route.

My vision would be nothing but foggy. Then one day I was set free. I decided enough was enough. I was not going to run and hide anymore. I was going to face up to each day’s challenges squarely, one at a time whatever it took.

Guess the biggest discovery I made? I will tell you. The fact that God had willed me to be alive each day, meant that I was getting another chance or opportunity to succeed. The fact that I was alive, well and kicking was hope enough to overcome, with Him by my side.

Such a wonderful feeling, I tell you. I do not know the future one minute from now. But He who has given me the gift of life today, also knows where I shall be one minute from any given moment.

Now for me, that is motivation and encouragement par none. The Lord is indeed my confidence, and hey look several years on…I am still here and enjoying a peace that surpasses my understanding!

So then, I exhort you to take each day you are alive as a day that is alive and awash with many opportunities. Some of the opportunities are in the challenges you face today. You have opportunities for abundant health and wealth, peace and prosperity.

For all you know, these are the carats you will find in the challenges and in time you will be the sparkling gem you are meant to be.

Are you still feeling challenged? Think about your purpose for life today and beyond and every day will be a motivation enough to look forward to, enough to give you a spring out of bed!

It is never too late, even for you. Awareness brings change. You have an exciting tomorrow ahead of you once you take care of today’s lessons that have come in form of challenges. As for the past, there is no way you will ever go back in there. Forget it. It is gone, forever.

Step into today confidently knowing that you can use the positive lessons from your past to help you discover your today and tomorrow. And don’t forget, God has not left you. He will never forsake you nor leave you alone. The fact that you are awake means He is standing by, waiting for your call.

He assures that when you call to Him, He will be there, ready to answer and to deliver you from all manner of circumstances. Do you want to ‘take it off your chest?’ Just do it! Come on, cry if that’s what you feel like doing. He has a broad shoulder you can lean on, you know.

Remember that His grace is sufficient for you all the time. In your weakest moment, God will come riding high to you with all His strength. Just for you, so that you can live life with purpose.

Did you miss this earlier? Hear me again. Nothing is ever as difficult as it first appears. Say Yes to the Lord and He is ready to be your confidence. Listen to this. “The best place to be right now in this entire universe is in God’s will”. Now then, discover God’s purpose for your life and be in His presence.

Now that you have heard, don’t dwell on the tail side. Flip the coin and see the other side, the head side. You are the head. Go and be the head. Within every challenge you face today is an opportunity to secure your tomorrow.

Now go out there and manifest who you really are. You are a great success!
I pray Peace and Prosperity to YOU, in abundance.

Oh, and one last thing. His mercy is new every morning. Just reach out to Him he is waiting for you just to say, “yes Lord”.

If you need further encouragement from me reach out. Contact me. You may also subscribe here to receive my blog updates. I will certainly get back to you as quickly as I possibly can. That’s why I am here, to help you. You’re in good hands. Amen.