Yes, life\’s terrible when fear holds you back.
You are convinced there\’s no way out. You think that situation is staring at you so hard you can\’t go beyond it. It\’s intimidating you right? Here you are, certain that your lot ain\’t changing.
What fear does to you. All you can see are the negative consequences which your mind\’s eye is magnifying each moment you think about it. In your mind you even plot how the end will be. Is this it? What do my friends and family think of me? Will I ever come out of this?
Am I describing your life\’s act in Scene I. True? It\’s like I am there watching you everyday as you play out your part in Scene I.
What\’s intriguing is that you know as well as I do that this is not a dress rehearsal but real life\’s drama. Yet you are carrying on as though one day you will hear the director say, \”Cut! let\’s make some changes\”.
My friend, your yesterday\’s performance cannot be erased. I mean you cannot go back to yesterday and make changes. They are already cast into time and into history. Yeah, life\’s terrible when fear holds you back.
So as I continue watching your act, I see that there\’s a point all the time, at which you almost are deciding, \’enough is enough\’. I know because it\’s at this same one point every time that I see your face dropping and with resignation you say to yourself, \”I can\’t do it. It\’s not possible to change this. I can\’t!\”
This is how fear controls us. It\’s gripping. It grows with the attention you give it. It smashes your faith into unrecognizable pieces which makes you believe you are incapable of starting over. It\’s what fear does to you. Truly I tell you, life\’s terrible when fear holds you back.
But wait. Nothing is impossible. You can turn around your life. And you are the only one who can initiate the change. You are the only one who can do anything about your current situation. Period. You are the main actor in your life\’s drama. You are the hero who must ride away into the sunset with the beautiful princess!
Now you are thinking, how can I manage to cast out this fear?
- Stop focusing on your problems. That\’s what is feeding your fear. Focus on God.
- Turn over your life to the one who gave it to you. My Big Book of life says in, Psalms 46:10 \”Let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth\”.
- It\’s never too late to start afresh.
If you don\’t take action now, you will end up with fear bringing along these guys; worry, anxiety, procrastination, self doubt, sickness, depression and many other negatives. The list is pretty long. When this happens it will be one wild gate crashing party in your life by these guys.
Eventually these guys will morph into one big FEAR Goliath.
But you can flip the scene. It\’s never too late. Be still and turn to God\’s truth. Nothing is impossible when you partner with God.
With God on your side you turn FEAR into FAITH. When this happens you begin to see that what were challenges or problems are actually opportunities that had disguised themselves. When fear holds you back, all you see are challenges instead of opportunities to move ahead. Remember all the time that FEAR is \’False Evidence Appearing Real\’.
Now Look up. Square up your shoulders. Lift up your chin. Here\’s your…
Life Empowerment Tip:
- Get pen and paper.
- Take stock of everything that besets you. Yes, go ahead.
- Write down everything. This will help to remove the fog in your mind. Oh and please don\’t rush. No need to rush. The situation is already rotten anyway one more day won\’t matter.
Alright, finished writing? Have you identified a common pattern in your so called problems? Mmmm… let\’s see.. looks like it is fear with many heads, right? Deal with this immediately. Get back to the truth. The Truth that will set you free is in God\’s word, the Bible.
Have you noticed that this fear has been mostly as a result of you not taking charge of your life\’s decisions? Not all advice you get from every Jim, Jack and Jane is good for you. You see just like faith comes by hearing, fear also comes by hearing. Don\’t just pick up stuff from friends, relatives, co-workers and even some stuff you pick up from Television, Radio and Internet! See where it has landed you.
Here are some empowerment tips in random order. The list is not conclusive.
- Filter out stuff on which you have been dragging your feet to clear from your life.
- Start with the ones that are related to fear. Deal with them fairly and decisively.
- Sit down. Write down your dream your vision your goals. Your purpose, do you have any idea what you came to gift the world. No? OK. this is for another post later.
- Find resources that will help you achieve this. This is in addition to your Bible.
- The Bible has an endless supply of wisdom. Keep it by your side or in your pocket if you have a smartphone.
- Get into the habit of writing down important stuff that concerns your everyday christian life. Keep a notebook in addition to a journal.
- I need to emphasize this point. To get more focused pick up your Bible. Wipe off that dust and begin to study it again.
- Find someone you can truly talk to and confide in without holding back. Someone you can trust and believe can help point you back to your dream and your purpose in life.
You need to dare to dream again. This time around no more deferred decisions. Make this the last Scene of your life. Make God your partner and Dream Big again.
Now, remember this ain\’t no dress rehearsal. It\’s the real thing. It\’s real life drama. Go for it. Everything depends on it.
Hey don\’t be in a hurry. There\’s an old African adage which says, \”Little by little an egg will walk\”. Sure enough you will rise again and prosper.
Take note of the words of the wisest man who ever lived until Jesus, as penned in Proverbs 4:23, \”Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts\”.
Finally, If you do not have a relationship with this God I have mentioned in this post, I can help you reach out to him. I can introduce you to Jesus Christ my personal Lord and Savior. If that\’s your situation go to my contact page and get in touch. You can Skype me too. Get the details on my contact page. This is the quickest way I know to start afresh in God, it\’s through Jesus Christ.
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Epilogue: All is well with you my friend. You are blessed, Stay blessed and Inspired, Always.