Getting Inner Peace In The Hard Times
Have you fallen on hard times? Does it look like you’re not getting inner peace? Worry not. Begin to invest in getting inner peace today.
Jesus said;
Your heart will always be where your treasure is.
Matthew 6 :21
Most times when we find ourselves in hard times the first thing that happens is that we lose our inner peace. Fear, worry, anxiety, and many other things come to beset us. Think about your own life today. Look back, take stock, and see how true this is. The greatest treasure we must have at any given time is inner peace. This gives us a balance in our daily life.
God never intended for us to wallow in worry, fear, anxiety, and the many other negatives that bring us untold stress and misery. Many of these fights in our lives are things we can deal with as soon as their ugly faces manifest in our lives. We must learn how getting inner peace can help us overcome hard times.
I am speaking to you who is a child of God. You are of a different stock. Yes, you are in this world but not of this world. So, how you deal with fiery darts aimed at you must not be the same way the rest of the world fights its battles. Getting inner peace in hard times is a different ball game for you.
But How Can You Get Inner Peace?
Let’s begin from here. Take a look at this scripture.
“I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world”.
John 16: 33
For a believer like you and I, what does this scripture mean? What is your reading of it, to use bible speak? First things first. Learn to reconnect to your source. Every time. You must always take time to listen to the voice of your counselor the Holy Spirit. This must be the first point of call every time you sense that you are not getting inner peace over any situation. Always ask Him to lead your decision-making process. Ask Him to be available in your thought process.
In that scripture, Jesus reassures us that it will not be smooth sailing in this world. The enemy will be lurking around, but cheer up Jesus has already overcome on your behalf. This assurance must be adopted in order to go through any life challenges. When you adopt this mindset you are already headed for victory.
What else can you do? Fill your heart with God’s word. You will need the word for meditation. And when you spend more time meditating on God’s word you are arming your spirit man to effectively be at the ready at all times. The word of God is your shield. When a challenge comes your way, you let fly your sword of the spirit which is the word of God. Is it easy? No! But remember you already have the assurance that Jesus has already defeated the world on your behalf.
One of the good things to do when you sense that you are not getting inner peace is to find yourself a quiet place and dive into the word of God. The Bible has so much scripture you can turn to in hard times. Right now the world as we have known it is going through a pestilence called coronavirus. There’s so much fear, worry, anxiety, and a lot of untold misery struggle, and suffering.
We have new words added to our vocabulary. New words like coronavirus, covid19, mask, social distance, shut-down, lock-down, self-isolation, self-quarantine, hospital quarantine, and front-liners. In my country Zambia and the region generally, front-liners meant the countries that united around South Africa to fight the apartheid government, These countries were referred to as the Front-line States. Today the ‘Front-liners’ are the heroes who are in the medical industry and other sectors of our society fighting this plague we are calling covid19.
All those new words added to the ones we already know. These new words have added to and amplified our fear and worry levels! Yet, I tell you the truth, there’s one place where the words have remained the same, yesterday, today, and forever. In the Bible! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Because he is the word. And because he is a constant variable in our world and lives today, he remains our guaranteed source of getting inner peace whenever we find ourselves in life’s challenges, such as now.
In Proverbs 14: 30, the scripture tells us that a heart at peace gives health to the body. What a powerful word! What would you rather have? A healthy body or a troubled mind that leads to a sick body? Yes, I know. I hear you. You want good health. You can have it but it doesn’t come cheap.
You have to invest time and everything you must do, in order to dig deep into God’s word. Remember that scripture I opened this post with? Yeah, you must invest in your heart’s inner peace so that you will reap that treasure.
The pandemic has affected and infected the world. But you don’t have to be part of those statistics. You can be safe. Safety is in the Word, Jesus. Time to reconnect back to the source. If you had strayed away for some reason, this shutdown is an opportunity to reconnect. All things work together for good to those who run back to God. It’s a wonderful time to run to Father God and let him put you on his lap. He will whisper just the appropriate words you need to hear in a time such as we are in.
Need I say more? You must receive your inner peace in these hard times so that you will be useful as a front-liner in your own area. You must distribute the inner peace in you into your sphere of influence. Do not become a victim of worry, anxiety, fear, and stress.
So, let me pray for you now based on the following scripture in James 1: 12,
“Father I pray for everyone who reads this post today. I pray they are blessed because they remain steadfast under the covid19 trial. I pray father that every one of my readers receives the crown of eternal life even as they stand the trial of the coronavirus. The crown of life is what you have promised to everyone who loves you. I believe father that each one of my visitors desires getting inner peace in their lives. I pray they receive it from you Lord even as each one of them reconnects with you in your word. Thank you father for your reciprocal love and grace to everyone who is calling upon your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
If you think you need more help in getting inner peace, I am available. Let’s connect here. I am standing by for you.
Finally, I will appreciate your feedback in the comments box below. Remember Jesus Loves you and he is ready to give you the inner peace that is everlasting.